Time Unit Converters

All-in-One Time Converter

This all-in-one time converter lets you calculate all time units at once. Convert between time units including century, day, decade, hour, microsecond, millisecond, minute, month, nanosecond, second, week, and year.

























What Time Units Are Supported?

NameSymbolMeasurement SystemDescription
nanosecondnsInternational System of Units (SI) / Metric SystemA nanosecond (ns) is a unit of time measurement that represents one billionth (1/1,000,000,000) of a second. It is commonly used in fields such as electronics, telecommunications, and computer science to measure very short durations.
microsecondµsInternational System of Units (SI) / Metric SystemA microsecond (μs) is a unit of time measurement that represents one millionth (1/1,000,000) of a second. It is an extremely small unit of time and is commonly used in various scientific, technological, and computing applications.
millisecondmsInternational System of Units (SI) / Metric SystemA millisecond (ms) is a unit of time measurement that represents one thousandth (1/1,000) of a second. It is a small unit of time commonly used in various fields, including computing, telecommunications, and experimental sciences.
secondsInternational System of Units Base (SI) / Metric SystemA second (s) is the base unit of time measurement in the International System of Units (SI). It is defined as the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom.
minuteminNon-SI (International)A minute is a unit of time measurement that represents 60 seconds or 1/60th of an hour. It is commonly used to measure short durations and as a unit of time on clocks and watches.
hourhrNon-SI (International)An hour is a unit of time measurement that represents 60 minutes or 1/24th of a day. It is a commonly used unit for measuring time in various aspects of daily life, such as scheduling, work hours, and timekeeping.
daydNon-SI (International)A day is a unit of time measurement that represents the period of time it takes for the Earth to complete one full rotation on its axis. It is commonly used to divide time into 24-hour intervals and is fundamental to our daily lives and various aspects of scheduling, astronomy, and natural phenomena.
weekwkNon-SI (International)A week is a unit of time measurement that represents a period of seven days. It is commonly used to divide time into larger intervals and is fundamental to organizing schedules, planning activities, and tracking recurring events.
monthmoNon-SI (International)A month is a unit of time measurement that represents a division of the calendar year into 12 approximately equal periods. It is based on the duration of the Moon's orbit around the Earth, which is roughly 29.5 days. Months are commonly used for tracking time, planning events, and organizing various aspects of our lives.
yearyrNon-SI (International)A year is a unit of time measurement that represents the period it takes for the Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun. It is one of the fundamental units of the calendar, used to divide time into larger intervals and mark the passage of seasons and annual events.
decadedecadeNon-SI (International)A decade is a unit of time measurement that represents a period of ten years. It is commonly used to refer to a specific span of time that encompasses a group of ten consecutive years.
centurycNon-SI (International)A century is a unit of time measurement that represents a period of one hundred years. It is commonly used to refer to a specific span of time encompassing a century's worth of events, developments, and historical periods.