Gallons (US) To Liters Conversion


1 gal = 3.78541178340029 l

Want to convert from liters to gallons (US) instead?

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How to convert gallons (US) to liters (gal to l)

The formula for converting gallons (US) to liters is: l = gal × 3.78541178340029. To calculate the gallon (US) value in liters first substitute the gallon (US) value into the preceding formula, and then perform the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 gallon (US) in liters we follow these steps:

l = gal × 3.78541178340029

l = 1 × 3.78541178340029

l = 3.78541178340029

In other words, 1 gallon (US) is equal to 3.78541178340029 liters.

Example Conversion

Let's take a look at an example. The step-by-step process to convert 7 gallons (US) to liters is:

  1. Understand the conversion formula: l = gal × 3.78541178340029
  2. Substitute the required value. In this case we substitute 7 for gal so the formula becomes: l = 7 × 3.78541178340029
  3. Calculate the result using the provided values. In our example the result is: 7 × 3.78541178340029 = 26.49788248380203 l

In summary, 7 gallons (US) is equal to 26.49788248380203 liters.

Converting liters to gallons (US)

In order to convert the other way around i.e. liters to gallons (US), you would use the following formula: gal = l × 0.2641720524. To convert liters to gallons (US) first substitute the liter value into the above formula, and then execute the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 liter in gallons (US) we follow these steps:

gal = l × 0.2641720524

ga1 = l × 0.2641720524

gal = 0.2641720524

Or in other words, 1 liter is equal to 0.2641720524 gallons (US).

Conversion Unit Definitions

What is a Gallon (US)?

A US gallon is a unit of measurement used in the United States to quantify volume, particularly for measuring liquid capacity. It is an integral part of the US customary system of units, which evolved from the British imperial system. The US gallon is primarily employed in everyday contexts such as fuel consumption, liquid storage, and beverage packaging.
The US gallon is defined as exactly 231 cubic inches. To put it into perspective, imagine a cube with sides measuring 1 inch each. A US gallon would encompass a volume equivalent to 231 of these small cubes.
In metric terms, a US gallon is approximately equal to 3.78541 liters. This means that one US gallon can hold roughly the same amount of liquid as four 1-liter water bottles commonly found in stores. It is important to note that this conversion is an approximation, as the liter is a metric unit and the US gallon is based on the older imperial system.
It's worth mentioning that the US gallon differs from the imperial gallon used in the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries. The imperial gallon is slightly larger, with a volume of approximately 4.54609 liters. This discrepancy arises due to historical variations in the definitions of these units between the two systems.
In summary, a US gallon serves as a fundamental unit of liquid measurement in the United States, equivalent to 231 cubic inches or around 3.78541 liters. It is commonly utilized for various purposes, ranging from measuring fuel efficiency in vehicles to determining the capacity of liquid containers.

What is a Liter?

A litre (also spelled liter) is a metric unit of volume equal to one cubic decimetre (dm3), 1000 cubic centimetres (cm3) or 0.001 cubic metre (m3). A cubic decimetre (or litre) occupies a volume of 10 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm (see figure) and is thus equal to one-thousandth of a cubic metre.
The litre is the base unit of volume in the metric system. It is used to measure the volume of liquids, gases, and solids. For example, a litre of water is equal to about 1.76 US pints or 2.11 UK pints.
The litre is also used to measure the capacity of containers, such as bottles, cans, and jugs. For example, a 2-litre bottle of soda contains 2 litres of soda.
The litre is a very common unit of measurement in many countries around the world. It is used in both the metric and imperial systems of measurement.
Here are some examples of how the litre is used in everyday life:
  • A litre of milk is enough to make about 2 cups of cereal.
  • A litre of petrol will typically get a car about 100 kilometres.
  • A litre of paint will cover about 10 square metres of wall.
The litre is a very versatile unit of measurement that can be used to measure a wide variety of things. It is a convenient and easy-to-use unit of measurement that is used by people all over the world.

Gallons (US) To Liters Conversion Table

Below is a lookup table showing common gallons (US) to liters conversion values.

Gallon (gal) (US)Liter (l)
1 gal3.78541178340029 l
2 gal7.57082356680058 l
3 gal11.35623535020087 l
4 gal15.14164713360116 l
5 gal18.92705891700145 l
6 gal22.71247070040174 l
7 gal26.49788248380203 l
8 gal30.28329426720232 l
9 gal34.06870605060261 l
10 gal37.8541178340029 l
11 gal41.63952961740319 l
12 gal45.42494140080348 l
13 gal49.21035318420377 l

Other Common Gallon (US) Conversions

Below is a table of common conversions from gallons (US) to other volume units.

1 gallon (US) in milliliters3785.41110132372 ml

Gallons (US) To Liters Conversion Chart