Math Symbols Reference Chart

Below you'll find a list of all mathematical symbols together with their meaning and examples.

Basic Math Symbols

SymbolNameDescriptionExample / Definition
equals signequality between two expressions
not equal signinequality between two expressions
approximately equalvery similar to but not exactly equal due to
strict inequalityless than
strict inequalitygreater than
inequalitygreater than or equal to
inequalityless than or equal to
parenthesescalculations in parentheses are performed first
bracketscalculations in brackets are performed first
plus - minusboth plus and minus operations in one equation
minus - plusboth plus and minus operations in one equation
vinculumfraction bar
moduloremainder operator
interpunct / dot productmultiplication
radicalsquare root
cube rootnumber which produces a given number when cubed
fourth roota number, which when multiplied four times by itself the original number will be obtained
n-th root (radical)nth root of a number x, where n is a positive integer, is any of the n real or complex numbers r whose nth power is x
percentby a specified amount in or for every hundred
per-milleby a specified amount in every thousand
per-millionby a specified amount in every million
per-billionby a specified amount in every billion
per-trillionby a specified amount in every trillion

Geometry Math Symbols

SymbolNameDescriptionExample / Definition
anglegeometrical figure formed when two rays meet at a common point called vertex
measured anglean angle with a known size
spherical angleangle formed by three great circles on a sphere
right angleif two straight lines intersect each other at 90˚ they form a right angle
degreerepresents degrees of an arc
degreerepresents degrees of an arc
double primearcsecond
lineinfinite line
line segmentline from point A to point B
rayline that starts at point A
arcarc from point A to point B
perpendicularperpendicular lines
parallelparallell lines
congruent toequivalence of geometric size and shape
similaritysame shape but not same size
triangleclosed, 2-dimensional shape with 3 sides, 3 angles, and 3 vertices
distancedistance between points x and y
pi constantratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle
radiansone radian is the angle subtended at the centre of a circle by an arc that is equal in length to the radius
radiansone radian is the angle subtended at the centre of a circle by an arc that is equal in length to the radius
gradians / gonsunit of angular measure in which the angle of an entire circle is 400 gradians
gradians / gonsunit of angular measure in which the angle of an entire circle is 400 gradians

Algebra Math Symbols

SymbolNameDescriptionExample / Definition
x variableAn unknown or variable value
EquivalenceIdentical to
Equal by definitionEqual by definition
Equal by definitionEqual by definition
Approximately equalApproximation
Approximately equalAsymptotic equivalence
Proportional toProportional to
Much less-thanMuch less-than
Much greater-thanMuch greater-than
parenthesescalculations in parentheses are performed first
bracketscalculations in brackets are performed first
bracesDefines a set
discriminantparameter of an object or system calculated as an aid to its classification or solution
sigmasummation of the numbers indicated
sigmadouble summation of the numbers indicated
floor bracketsrounds the number down to the lower integer
ceiling bracketsrounds the number up to the higher integer
factorialproduct of all integer values up to the provided number
absolute valuethe distance from zero that a number is on the number line, without considering direction
function of xcalculate the value of the function substituting x with the provided value
functional compositionThe result of function f is passed to function g
open intervalinterval that doesn't include its endpoints
closed intervalinterval that includes its endpoints
capital piproduct of all the numbers indicated
Euler's numberThe irrational number represented by the letter e
Euler's constant / Euler-Mascheroni constantThe limiting difference between the harmonic series and the natural logarithm. Approximately 0.5772156649.
golden ratioTwo quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities. Approximately 1.618033988749894
pi constantThe ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Approximately 3.14159.

Linear Algebra Math Symbols

SymbolNameDescriptionExample / Definition
dotscalar product
multiplication / timesmultiplication of vectors
tensor productmultiplication of vectors
inner producthow much of one vector is pointing in the direction of another one
parenthesesmatrix of values
bracketsmatrix of values
determinantscalar value or number calculated using a square matrix
determinantscalar value or number calculated using a square matrix
double vertical barsnorm
transposetransposed matrix A
Hermitian matrixconjugate transposition of matrix A
Hermitian matrixconjugate transposition of matrix A
inverse matrix
matrix rankrank of the matrix
dimensiondimension of the matrix

Statistics & Probability Math Symbols

SymbolNameDescriptionExample / Definition
probability functionthe probability of event A
probability of intersection of eventsthe probability of events A and B
probability of union of eventsthe probability of events A or B
conditional probabilitythe probability of event a given event B
probability density function
cumulative distribution function
population mean (mu)mean of population values
expectation valueexpected value of a random variable X
considitional expectationexpected value of a random variable X given value Y
variancevariance of a random value X
variancevariance of a population of values
standard deviationthe amount of variation of a set of values
standard deviationthe amount of variation of a set of values
medianthe middle value in an ordered set of numbers
covariancecovariance of variables X and Y
correlationcorrelation of variables X and Y
pearson correlationpearson correlation of variables X and Y
summationsum of all values in the denoted series
double summationdouble summation
modevalue that occurs most frequently in a population
sample medianthe value separating the higher half from the lower half of a data sample
first quartile25% of the population is below the first quartile
second quartile50% of the population is below the second quartile
third quartile75% of the population is below the third quartile
sample meanarithmetic mean / average
sample varianceestimates the variance in a sample
sample standard deviationestimates the standard deviation in a sample
standard score
distribution of Xdistribution of X
normal distributionguassian distribution
uniform distributionequal probability in the range [a,b]
exponential distributionexponential distribution
chi-square definitionchi-square definition
binomial distributionbinomial distribution
Poisson distributionPoisson distribution
geometric distributiongeometric distribution
hypergeometric distributionhypergeometric distribution
bernoulli distributionsdiscrete probability distribution where every experiment conducted asks a question that can be answered only in yes or no.

Combinatorics Math Symbols

SymbolNameDescriptionExample / Definition
factorialproduct of all integer values up to the provided number
permutationan arrangement of its members into a sequence or linear order
combinationselection of items from a set that has distinct members, such that the order of selection does not matter

Set Theory Math Symbols

SymbolNameDescriptionExample / Definition
setcollection of elements
intersectionelements that belong to both sets A and B
unionelements that belong to sets A or B
subsetset A is a subset of, or equal to set B
strict subsetset A is a subset of, but not equal to set B
not a subsetset A is a not a subset of set B
strict supersetset A is a superset of, or equal to set B
supersetset A is a superset of, but not equal to set B
not supersetset A is not a superset of set B
power setall subsets of S
power setall subsets of S
equalityA and B have the same members
complementthe set of objects that do not belong to set A
relative complementthe set of objects that belong to set A but not to set B
relative complementthe set of objects that belong to set A but not to set B
symmetric differencethe set of objects that belong to set A or set B but not their intersection
symmetric differencethe set of objects that belong to set A or set B but not their intersection
set membershipan element x belongs to set A
no set membershipan element x does not belong to set A
ordered paira collection of 2 ordered elements
cartesian productset of all ordered pairs from sets A and B
cardinalitythe number of elements in set A
cardinalitythe number of elements in set A
vertical barsuch that
aleph-nullinfinite cardinality of the set of natural numbers
aleph-onecardinality of countable ordinal set of numbers
empty setempty set
universal setset of all possible values
all natural numbers including zero
all natural numbers excluding zero
set of all integers
set of all rational numbers
set of all real numbers
set of all complex numbers

Logic Math Symbols

SymbolNameDescriptionExample / Definition
andconjunction operator
circumflex / caretconjunction operator
andconjunction operator
plusor operator
inverse circumflex / caretor operator
vertical lineor operator
circled plusxor / exclusive or
implieslogically implies
equivalentif and only if
equivalentif and only if
for allfor any; for each
there existsthere exists
thereforelogical consequence
becausesignals reasoning
Domain of discourseDomain of predicate

Calculus Math Symbols

SymbolNameDescriptionExample / Definition
limitlimit value of a function
epsilona very small, near zero value
Euler's constante ≈ 2.7182818284
derivativederivative using Lagrange's notation
second derivativederivative of a derivative using Lagrange's notation
nth derivativederivative applied n-times using Lagrange's notation
derivativederivative using Leibniz's notation
second derivativesecond derivative using Leibniz's notation
nth derivativenth derivative using Leibniz's notation
time derivativetime derivative using Newton's notation
second time derivativesecond time derivative using Newton's notation
nth time derivativenth time derivative using Newton's notation
derivativederivative using Euler's notation
second derivativesecond derivative using Euler's notation
partial derivativederivative of a function of two or more variables with respect to one variable
integralopposite operation to derivation
double integralthe integral of a function of two variables
triple integralthe integral of a function of three variables
line integral / closed integralintegral where the function to be integrated is evaluated along a curve
closed surface integralgeneralization of multiple integrals to integration over surfaces
closed volume integralintegral over a 3-dimensional domain
closed interval
open interval
imaginary unit
complex conjugate
complex conjugate
real part of a complex number
imaginary part of a complex number
absolute value / magnitude of a complex number
argument of a complex numberthe angle of the radius in the complex plane
nabla / delgradient operator / divergence operator
vectora quantity that has both magnitude and direction
unit vectorvector which has a magnitude of one
convolutionoperation on two functions that produces a third function that expresses how the shape of one is modified by the other
Laplace transformconverts differential equations into purely algebraic equations
Fourier transformfunction derived from a given function and representing it by a series of sinusoidal functions
delta functiontool for the normalization of state vectors
lemniscateinfinity symbol