Centimeters To Millimeters Conversion


1 cm = 10 mm

Want to convert from millimeters to centimeters instead?

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The Ratio Between Centimeters and Millimeters

Visualising the relationship between centimeters and millimeters makes it easier to convert between the two. Centimeters are used to establish the baseline ruler and the millimeters ruler is sized in relation to that baseline.

conversion scale showing the ratio between centimeters and the equivalent number of millimeters

How to convert centimeters to millimeters (cm to mm)

The formula for converting centimeters to millimeters is: mm = cm × 10. To calculate the centimeter value in millimeters first substitute the centimeter value into the preceding formula, and then perform the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 centimeter in millimeters we follow these steps:

mm = cm × 10

mm = 1 × 10

mm = 10

In other words, 1 centimeter is equal to 10 millimeters.

Example Conversion

Let's take a look at an example. The step-by-step process to convert 2 centimeters to millimeters is:

  1. Understand the conversion formula: mm = cm × 10
  2. Substitute the required value. In this case we substitute 2 for cm so the formula becomes: mm = 2 × 10
  3. Calculate the result using the provided values. In our example the result is: 2 × 10 = 20 mm

In summary, 2 centimeters is equal to 20 millimeters.

Converting millimeters to centimeters

In order to convert the other way around i.e. millimeters to centimeters, you would use the following formula: cm = mm ÷ 10. To convert millimeters to centimeters first substitute the millimeter value into the above formula, and then execute the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 millimeter in centimeters we follow these steps:

cm = mm ÷ 10

cm = 1 ÷ 10

cm = 0.1

Or in other words, 1 millimeter is equal to 0.1 centimeters.

Conversion Unit Definitions

What is a Centimeter?

The centimeter is a unit of length in the metric system, which is widely used around the world. It is defined as one-hundredth of a meter or 0.01 meters. The centimeter is primarily used to measure small distances, lengths, and dimensions.

Here are some more details about the centimeter:

  1. Metric System: The centimeter is a part of the metric system, which is based on powers of ten. The metric system provides a decimal-based system of measurement that offers ease of conversion and consistency across different scientific, industrial, and everyday applications.

  2. Length Conversion: One centimeter is equal to 0.01 meters or 10 millimeters. Conversely, one meter is equal to 100 centimeters.

  3. Common Uses: The centimeter is often used to measure objects or distances that are relatively small. It is commonly employed in fields such as science, engineering, medicine, manufacturing, and day-to-day activities. It can be used to measure the length of objects, dimensions of rooms, the size of electronic devices, or the height of individuals.

  4. Symbol: The symbol for centimeter is "cm". For example, a measurement of 5 centimeters would be written as 5 cm.

  5. Subdivisions: The centimeter can be divided into smaller units to measure finer lengths. The millimeter (mm) is the most common subdivision, where one centimeter is equal to 10 millimeters. In some scientific or specialized contexts, even smaller subdivisions such as the micrometer (µm) or nanometer (nm) may be used.

  6. International Usage: The centimeter is widely used internationally as a standard unit of measurement. It is embraced in most countries that have adopted the metric system. Its universal usage contributes to ease of communication, collaboration, and compatibility across various fields and regions.

  7. Advantages: The centimeter provides a convenient and versatile unit for measuring smaller lengths. Its decimal nature allows for easy conversion between different metric units and facilitates calculations involving measurements.

It's important to note that the metric system, including the centimeter, is the globally accepted standard for scientific, technical, and international purposes. However, in some countries that have not fully transitioned to the metric system, such as the United States, inches and feet may still be commonly used in everyday life.

What is a Millimeter?

The millimeter is a unit of length in the metric system. It is defined as one-thousandth of a meter or 0.001 meters. The millimeter is primarily used to measure very small distances or dimensions.
Here are some additional details about the millimeter:
  1. Metric System: The millimeter is part of the metric system, which is widely used around the world. The metric system provides a decimal-based system of measurement that offers simplicity, consistency, and ease of conversion across different scientific, industrial, and everyday applications.

  2. Length Conversion: One millimeter is equal to 0.001 meters or 0.1 centimeters. Conversely, one meter is equal to 1,000 millimeters.

  3. Common Uses: The millimeter is often used in various fields and applications where precision is required. It is commonly used in fields such as engineering, manufacturing, construction, medicine, and technology. The millimeter is well-suited for measuring small objects, thicknesses, clearances, and other precise dimensions.

  4. Symbol: The symbol for millimeter is "mm". For example, a measurement of 5 millimeters would be written as 5 mm.

  5. Subdivisions: The millimeter itself is a small unit of measurement, but it can be further divided into even smaller units for more precise measurements. For example, one millimeter is equal to 1,000 micrometers (µm) or one million nanometers (nm).

  6. International Usage: The millimeter is widely accepted and used internationally as a standard unit of measurement. It is embraced in most countries that have adopted the metric system. Its universal usage promotes consistency and facilitates communication, collaboration, and compatibility across various fields and regions.

  7. Advantages: The millimeter offers a high level of accuracy and precision for measuring small lengths or dimensions. Its decimal nature allows for easy conversion to other metric units and simplifies calculations involving measurements.

Centimeters To Millimeters Conversion Table

Below is a lookup table showing common centimeters to millimeters conversion values.

Centimeter (cm)Millimeter (mm)
1 cm10 mm
2 cm20 mm
3 cm30 mm
4 cm40 mm
5 cm50 mm
6 cm60 mm
7 cm70 mm
8 cm80 mm
9 cm90 mm
10 cm100 mm
11 cm110 mm
12 cm120 mm
13 cm130 mm

Other Common Centimeter Conversions

Below is a table of common conversions from centimeters to other length units.

1 centimeter in inches0.393700787401574803149606299213 in

Centimeters To Millimeters Conversion Chart